What are main features of the Russian system of employment relations?

Please pick any one out of seven:
Session 3. Student presentation: What are the main features of the Japanese system of employment relations? How far do you agree with the view that employment relations in Japan has largely been unaffected by the pressures of globalisation?

Session 4. Student presentation: Critically assess the main employment relations issues and challenges that have faced China in recent years.

Session 5. Student presentation: Critically assess the extent to which the management of employment relations in the United States is dominated by an anti-union philosophy.

Session 6. Student presentation: Critically assess the extent to which the policies of recent governments in Australia have undermined the country’s traditional system of employment relations.

Session 7. Student presentation: What is the ‘dual system’ of employee representation in Germany? Critically assess the main issues and challenges that have faced the dual system of employee relation and its effectiveness as a means of representing the interests of workers.

Session 8. What are main features of the Russian system of employment relations? To what extent has the transition to capitalism transformed employment relations in Russia?

Session 9. Student presentation: Critically assess the main employment relations issues and challenges that have faced government, employers and trade unions in post-apartheid South Africa.